Medical negligence can involve mistakes made by doctors, nurses, or other medical professionals while treating patients. The three most common types of medical negligence claims are: patient harm, failure to diagnose and treat a condition, and failure to provide adequate care. Patients who have suffered from medical negligence may be able to file a lawsuit against the responsible party in order to seek compensation for their losses.

Here are some common types of medical negligence claims:


Birth Injury Claims

There are many birth injury claims that can be filed after a person has been injured during or as a result of the birth process. Birth injuries can include physical injuries, such as pain and swelling, as well as emotional injuries, such as anxiety and depression. Birth injury claims can be complex and involve a lot of paperwork and evidence.


Cerebral Palsy Claims

Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects movement and motor function. There are many types of cerebral palsy, but the most common is spastic cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy can range in severity from very mild to severe. Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the brain or spinal cord. Most cases of cerebral palsy are caused by a birth injury, but some cases are genetic.

Erb’s Palsy Disorder Claims

Erb’s palsy disorder is a rare disorder that causes paralysis on one side of the body. It most commonly affects the arm and hand, but can also affect the leg, feet, and other areas of the body. The cause of Erb’s palsy is still unknown, but it is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Gynaecological and Obstetric Injury Claims


There are a number of ways in which gynecological and obstetric injuries can occur, including during pregnancy and childbirth. Injuries can include tearing or rupturing of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries; pelvic fracture; bladder rupture; and episiotomy. Ob/Gyn injury claims can be complex and difficult to prove, so it is important to have an experienced attorney on your side if you are injured.

Hospital Negligence Claims

Hospital negligence claims are on the rise as patients seek redress for mistakes and injuries that occurred while in the hospital’s care. Patients can file a negligence claim against their doctor, hospital, or any other party involved in their care. Knowing your rights and how to pursue a hospital negligence claim is essential if you are injured while in the hospital’s care.

Private Hospital Negligence Claims

A recent study has shown that private hospitals are more likely to be negligent when it comes to the care they provide. This can result in serious consequences for patients, including death.


GP Negligence Claims

The number of claims for negligence by general practitioners (GPs) is on the rise, with each year seeing an increase in the number of suits filed. This is likely due to a combination of factors, such as an increase in awareness about the dangers of medical malpractice and an increasing trend of patients taking legal action against their doctors. In fact, according to a study published in The British Medical Journal, 60% of patients who sue their doctors eventually win their case.

Dental Negligence Claims

Dental negligence is a term that refers to the act or omission of a dental professional who fails to meet the standards of care for their patients. Failure to properly diagnose and treat potential dental problems can lead to serious consequences for patients, including pain, infection, and even tooth loss.

In order to make a dental negligence claim, victims must show that the dentist was negligent in their professional duties and that this negligence caused them harm.

Pharmacy Overdose Claims

Pharmacy overdose claims have increased in recent years, with more people seeking help after taking too many drugs. In some cases, individuals may not realize they’ve taken too much medication until it’s too late. Overdose symptoms can include anxiety, confusion, and seizures. If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms after taking medication, be sure to seek professional help.

General Surgery Claims

General surgery is a specialty consisting of surgical procedures on both internal and external body parts. The most common procedures are surgeries on the digestive system, heart, lungs, liver, and tumors. There are other procedures as well, such as surgery to correct birth defects and reconstructive surgery to improve appearance after accidents or injuries. General surgeons usually have a university degree in medical sciences and training in general surgery.


Wrong Site Surgery Negligence Claims

Medical negligence claims are on the rise, and one of the main reasons is due to wrong site surgery. This type of negligence happens when a doctor performs surgery on the wrong part of the body, which can lead to serious health complications. If you or a loved one has been hurt as a result of wrong site surgery, speak to an attorney as soon as possible to learn your legal rights.

Cosmetic Surgery Claims

Cosmetic surgery is a growing industry, and the number of people who opt for it continues to grow. However, the claims made by many surgeons continue to leave patients feeling uneasy. Here are five things to keep in mind if you are considering cosmetic surgery:

Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims

Misdiagnosis of cancer is a problem that affects many people. Cancer can be misdiagnosed as a different type of cancer, a benign tumor, or just a normal medical process. Misdiagnosis can lead to improper treatment and even death. If you think that you may have been diagnosed with cancer incorrectly, it is important to speak with your doctor.


In conclusion, there are many types of medical negligence claims that can be filed. If you feel that you have been a victim of medical malpractice, it is important to speak with medical negligence solicitors who can help you understand your rights and options.


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