Defamation is when someone says or writes something bad about you that isn’t true. In Ireland, if you think someone has defamed you, you need to prove it. This is called the burden of proof.

What is Defamation?

Defamation can be in two forms:

  • Libel: This is defamation in a written form.
  • Slander: This is defamation in a spoken form.

Who Has the Burden of Proof for Defamation in Ireland?

In Ireland, the person who says they have been defamed has to prove it. This means you have to show that someone said or wrote something bad about you and that it is not true.

Steps To Prove Defamation

  1. Prove the Statement: First, you need to show that the statement was made.
  2. Prove the Statement is False: Next, you need to show that the statement is not true.
  3. Prove Harm: Finally, you need to show that the statement caused you harm. This can be harm to your reputation, your job, or your feelings.

Why is the Burden of Proof Important?

The burden of proof is important because it shows who has to prove that the statement is true or false. In Ireland, it is the person who says they have been defamed who has to prove it.

How Can Defamation Solicitors Help?

If you think you have been defamed, you can get help from Defamation Solicitors Dublin. They are experts in defamation law and can help you prove your case.

Step Description
Prove the Statement Show that the statement was made.
Prove the Statement is False Show that the statement is not true.
Prove Harm Show that the statement caused you harm.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Has The Burden Of Proof In Defamation?

The plaintiff must prove the defamatory statement is false and damaging.

What Must Be Proven In A Defamation Case?

The plaintiff must show the statement was false, published, and caused harm.

Can Truth Be A Defense In Defamation?

Yes, if the statement is true, it is a valid defense against defamation claims.

Is Intent Important In Defamation Cases?

Intent isn’t crucial; even unintentional false statements causing harm can be defamation.


In Ireland, the burden of proof for defamation lies with the person who says they have been defamed. This means you need to prove the statement was made, that it is false, and that it caused you harm. If you need help, Defamation Solicitors Dublin can help you with your case.

For more information, you can visit Defamation Solicitors Dublin.


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