When someone passes away, their belongings and assets need to be managed. This process is called probate. To make things easier, it’s important to know what documents are needed for probate in Ireland. This guide will help you gather the right paperwork.

Why Do You Need These Documents?

These documents help prove the identity of the deceased and their assets. They also help distribute the assets according to the will or law. Having the right documents ensures a smooth probate process.

Essential Documents for Probate

Here is a list of the essential documents you need for probate:

  • A copy of the death certificate: This is a proof of the person’s death.
  • A copy of the funeral bills: These bills show the expenses for the funeral.
  • The original Will and any amendments: If there is a will, you need the original document and any changes made to it.
  • List of next of kin: If there is no will, you need to list all close family members.

Details For Next Of Kin

When listing the next of kin, include:

  • Spouse or civil partner
  • Children
  • Parents
  • Brothers and sisters
  • Nieces and nephews

You also need to disclose any relatives who died before the deceased.

Information About Beneficiaries

For each beneficiary or next of kin, you need:

  • Addresses: The current addresses of all beneficiaries.
  • Occupations: What they do for a living.
  • PPS numbers: This is their Irish social security number.

Assets of the Deceased

Make a list of all assets the deceased owned. This includes:

  • Property
  • Bank accounts
  • Credit Union accounts
  • Post Office accounts
  • Shares and bonds
  • Cars

Debts of the Deceased

List all debts, such as:

  • Funeral expenses
  • Outstanding loans
  • Credit card bills

Details About the Deceased

Gather information about the deceased, including:

  • Current and former addresses: Where they lived.
  • Occupation: What they did for a living.
  • Date of birth: When they were born.
  • Marital status: Whether they were married, single, or in a civil partnership.

If they were separated, divorced, or in a dissolved civil partnership, you need contact details for the former spouse or civil partner. Also, note if they lived in Ireland or abroad and the number of children they had.


Previous Bequests or Inheritances

List any previous gifts or inheritances given to the beneficiaries. This helps in understanding the distribution of assets.

Evidence of Property Ownership

Provide proof of property ownership, such as:

  • Title deeds to the house
  • Mortgage documents
  • Bank books or lodgment slips

If you don’t have these documents, confirm where they are located.

Why Work with a Solicitor?

Managing probate can be complex. Working with a solicitor can make things easier. They guide you through the process and ensure you have all the right documents. Learn more about our probate services here.


Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Probate Death Certificate?

A probate death certificate is an official document proving someone’s death. It’s essential for legal processes.

Why Are Funeral Bills Needed For Probate?

Funeral bills are required to settle any outstanding debts. They help validate expenses incurred by the estate.

What If There Is No Will?

If no Will exists, a list of all next of kin is necessary. This includes spouse, children, and other relatives.

What Details Are Needed About Beneficiaries?

Beneficiaries’ addresses, occupations, and PPS numbers are required. This helps identify and contact them.


Knowing what documents are needed for probate in Ireland is crucial. This guide helps you gather the necessary paperwork. Proper preparation ensures a smooth probate process. For professional help, consider working with a solicitor.

For more information, visit our probate services page.


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